Gifts from me to you
Here you can find some tools & practices I love.
I hope they enrich your life.
Gaia meditation
This meditation was created by Joanna Macy and John Seed, and was first published in 1986. It takes us on a journey of connection with the elements we are made of, the same elements the Earth is made of. It takes us through expanded time, while shapes transform and the elements get combined into new existences. You will feel like you are more part of the Earth.
"Gaia meditation guides us into precise and close identification with the elements, and with Earth's geohistory and life history."
– Coming back to Life
Breathing Trough meditation
This meditation is inspired in the Tibetan Buddhist practice of Tonglen. It’s part of the Active Hope book written by Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone. It allows us to connect with the suffering of the world and let it pass through us back into the web of life. We bring the pain into our heart, and release it back into the vastness of life.
Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra takes you to a state of deep relaxation. It happens at a level between sleep and being awake. It’s a special state of consciousness which is extremely regenerative. At the beginning of the practice you set a resolve, an intention. Just follow my voice. You will feel relaxed and nourished.
Abundance meditation
This meditation is inspired by the work of Shakti Gawain in her book Creative Visualization. It takes us to a place of full abundance. Allow yourself to relax and enjoy this delicious feeling. Let’s find abundance in simplicity.