I'm a Little Obsessed with Japan...

Want to hear more about it?

When I was a 2-year-old, back in 1980, and long before I set foot in Japan for the first time, I was already captivated by its culture. I was so young, and I would never leave for school before watching Astro Boy. After that came a fixation with Future Boy Conan. And Japan never left me. My favorite books, films, life concepts, arquitecture, and so much more - I was transported to Japan so often and in so many ways, that I could close my eyes and see myself as a little manga character. Japan definitely held a special place in my heart well before I finally decided to visit. It was always a place of dreams and inspiration that helped shape who I am.

People often ask me why I waited so long to go, especially when I already wanted to move there in 1998. There are many reasons. One is that I’m one of those people who saves the best for last - when I’m eating a meal I always leave that last delicious bite to savour at the end. Another reason involves a man, a long love story, and a decision to honor a deep request. Yet another was a sort of superstition, that if I’d go to my most wanted place to visit on my big list of countries, maybe life would end. Then, the most important reason is that I always felt I had been there already - and this plays out at many levels: I spent so much of my life immersed in Japanese novels and films, delighted by Japanese architecture, floating in anime, entranced by Japanese nature connection traditions, their folk-tales, fascinated by the language & the calligraphy, expanded by Zen Buddhism, fascinated by Shintoism, and bringing so many Japanese concepts into my life, that it literally felt that Japan was home already, at a very deep level. Who knows, maybe I’ve lived there in another life, or was always there on a parallel reality?

During my 22 years of nomadic life across 101 countries, I've gathered tales, insights, trinkets, and experiences that have all enriched my soul, transformed who I am, shaped my spiritual path, and influenced my work as a psychotherapist. Yet, of all these incredible places, Japan resonates with me on a deeper level. It's not simply a destination on my travels. Japan is a wise old friend, an ongoing adventure, a deep source of inspiration, and an integral part of my being. The wisdom and lessons I've absorbed from Japan infuse my everyday life & my therapeutic practice, making it much more than just a place on the map — it's a part of Home, and a fundamental aspect of who I am.

My fascination with Japan extends beyond its picturesque landscapes and cutting-edge technology. It delves into the rich tapestry of its language, unveiling layers of culture, philosophy, and tradition with every character learned. It’s the seasons, the dedication to simplicity, the graceful connection to nature, the ease of life in the present moment. It’s Shintoism, the sacred mountains, the temples. It’s the architecture. The shadows. The cinema, anime, the literature. And then there's matcha — a vibrant, simple green tea that encapsulates the culture’s dedication to mindfulness, excellence, and heritage.

In the coming weeks, I'll delve into the essence of my Japan: I’ll share with you about books that have moved me, films that have inspired me, the language that challenges me, and of course, the matcha rituals that have become a cherished part of my daily routine. I’ll share a bit of Japan through my eyes, hoping you'll feel the grace, the serenity, and the profound joy that comes with every discovery.

These little details also prepare you for the 2024 NAMKHA Trip to Japan, If you feel attracted to Japan, I bet you’ll love this trip! You’ll be embarking on more than just a trip - this is an invitation to a transformative experience, and you’ll be guided through the lens of someone deeply obsessed with Japan’s every nuance.

Rita Tojal

Rita is a psychotherapist combining spirituality, somatics, and nature connection to her practice. Rita lived nomadically for 22 years, visiting 101 countries and experiencing life from many different angles. She brings a very rich and holistic approach to her therapy work, engages with trauma with deep perspective, and holds her sessions with compassion and heart presence. She also takes small groups on special journeys around the globe. Rita believes travelling helps us expand ourselves.


Snippets of Japan #1: Future Boy Conan


Japan Awaits