If not now, when?

It’s time to share our unique gifts

We are capable of wonderful things. Like the small hummingbird who travels over 2000 Kms with its tiny wings beating around 70 times per second, we too can defy what’s possible, and be the surprise we wish to see in the world.

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about this question: “If not now, when?”. If, for some reason, we didn’t have much more time, do you feel that you are doing what you must do? Are you holding back unique talents that the world has yet to see? Do you sometimes wish you’d do a certain thing that you keep leaving for latter?

Imagine if the hummingbird chose to stay local, attempting to blend in with the other bird species. Or he’d just fly around town, leaving far away lands for later. In doing so, the hummingbird would fail to activate its remarkable talent for traversing vast distances, a feat all the more incredible considering it is the smallest of birds embarking on some of the longest flights.

By doing its unique thing, the hummingbird also invokes in us a profound sense of wonder, generating admiration of its seemingly impossible feats that challenge our understanding of what's possible. It’s a great reminder that we can do what looks unlikely, and inspire awe in others.

With the astrological transits of 2024-26 calling for BIG change, I can’t stop feeling that we all have something great to contribute to this change, and that some of the gifts that we are all born with are waiting to come out into the world and become part of the beautiful life-tapestry we all weave together.

Here are some prompts if you feel like journaling on this:

  • What hurts in my work is …

  • What I wish existed to support me with that is …

  • Something I can do that contributes to that is …

  • A small action I can do this month that helps is …

  • If I could change anything in the world right now I’d change …

  • What I can offer to that cause is …

  • Some of my hidden talents are …

  • If I could put them out in the world I would do this …

It’s time for us all to share our hidden talents & unique skills. Even if we have considered them weird. We’re flowing in more Aquarian times now, weird is welcomed! “Out of the ordinary” becomes the norm now. It’s time for change! Be surprising like the beautiful hummingbird, do what the other birds don’t do!!

Soon I will have an online course to explore these questions deeper! It’s one of my gifts that I want to put forth this year!

For now, If you want to navigate this with me, you can book a Life Mentoring package, or the special session I’m offering called 2024, Time for Change.

Rita Tojal

Rita is a psychotherapist combining spirituality, somatics, and nature connection to her practice. Rita lived nomadically for 22 years, visiting 101 countries and experiencing life from many different angles. She brings a very rich and holistic approach to her therapy work, engages with trauma with deep perspective, and holds her sessions with compassion and heart presence. She also takes small groups on special journeys around the globe. Rita believes travelling helps us expand ourselves.


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