Can therapy help navigate Pluto in Aquarius?

Dive Into Your Inner World

Pluto, the planet of transformation and intense energy, transitions into the sign of Aquarius on the 20th of January 2024. This transit will bring changes and shifts in global consciousness. At a personal level we feel it affecting a particular area of our lives which gets highlighted for 20 years. Pluto is connected to trauma wounds and to the unconscious, and the sign of Aquarius also relates to trauma. This may be a special time to address personal and collective trauma, and bring light to more aspects of our inner world. When Pluto shifts signs it brings renewed opportunity for personal and collective growth. And that sounds like a great time for self-exploration!

Let’s see how therapy can help with this transit:

  1. Inner Exploration and Self-Reflection: Therapy acts as a safe space for us to explore our inner world, uncover unconscious patterns, and better understand ourselves. As Pluto shifts signs, we get to see more of our unconscious currents, and working with them will have long lasting impact. Psychotherapy helps uncovering hidden aspects of the psyche, and transforms us in the process.

  2. Coping with Change and Uncertainty: Pluto's transition into Aquarius brings change and we need to adjust to the new energy. Therapy provides invaluable support in navigating uncertainty. It supports us creating healthy coping mechanisms, allowing us to adapt and grow amidst societal and personal transformations. Therapy can help us finding stability and safety, fostering resilience, and cultivating compassion towards oneself and others during this significant astrological transition.

  3. Healing Trauma and Integrating Experience: Therapy is an essential piece of healing trauma. It will help you deal with your symptoms, bring understanding to what happened and how it affects your life today, and it will support you integrating the experience. Giving meaning to the unthinkable, and processing the emotions and the pain with your therapist, has the potential to change your life. While it can be scary to change your life because you became familiar with your symptoms and with your choices, there is a beautiful promise at the end of this journey - wholeness.

  4. Deepening Interconnectedness: Aquarius symbolizes community, friendship, and collaboration. Therapy plays a vital role in cultivating empathy, good boundaries, compassion, healthy communication, and other necessary skills for thriving in connection and collaboration. By exploring interpersonal dynamics in therapy, we can understand and change our relationship patterns, work towards healing our wounds, integrating trauma, and consciously foster deep connections.

  5. Embracing Personal Growth and Transformation: Pluto's energy signifies rebirth, transformation, and empowerment. When it shifts signs we’re called to address new things, and to grow and transform in the process. Therapy supports us addressing emotional or psychological barriers that hinder personal growth. This helps us unleash our full potential, integrate the lessons brought forth by our life’s experiences, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-actualization that aligns with future focused Aquarian energy. We can leave the old behind and embrace the new version of ourselves.

As Pluto starts to transit a new part of your astrological natal chart, doing therapy sounds like a great way to embark on a personal journey of growth, healing, and self-exploration. It will support you to thrive amidst change, cultivate meaningful connections, and expand yourself along with the evolving global consciousness.

I believe this is an excellent time for approaches that mix Astrology & Psychology - as you can read in my previous blog post.

Psychology & Astrology go hand in hand for me, and I love to combine them in supporting your journey into wholeness.

You can read more about my work here. If you want to walk this part of the path together, schedule a psychotherapy session and let’s take it from there. This Pluto transit has so much potential for deep deep change. Please use it well!

Rita Tojal

Rita is a psychotherapist combining spirituality, somatics, and nature connection to her practice. Rita lived nomadically for 22 years, visiting 101 countries and experiencing life from many different angles. She brings a very rich and holistic approach to her therapy work, engages with trauma with deep perspective, and holds her sessions with compassion and heart presence. She also takes small groups on special journeys around the globe. Rita believes travelling helps us expand ourselves.

The power of a simple walk


Psychology with Pluto in Aquarius