2025/26 - A New Era

Embrace Your Transformation: A New Era Awaits You

The astrological landscape is shifting dramatically, presenting you with a powerful opportunity for profound transformation. As we stand on the brink of a new astrological era, now is the time to harness this energy for personal growth and empowerment.

Join Me for 2 Transformative 90-Minute Sessions

This year marks a pivotal turning point for profound change! Our previous ways of operating are no longer effective, and we must create space for new growth and possibilities. The astrological events of 2025-26 signal significant transformations as outer planets shift into new signs, bringing fresh energies and exciting opportunities. Major alignments, such as the Neptune-Saturn conjunction in Aries, will herald the beginning of a completely new era.

In our two transformative 90-minute sessions, we will seamlessly blend astrology with intuitive guidance through oracle and tarot cards, alongside therapeutic insights. Drawing from the powerful teachings of the Transformation Game from Findhorn, we’ll clarify your next steps and explore your personal astrological transits, revealing insights that will illuminate your path ahead.

These sessions are designed to empower you and facilitate meaningful change. By harnessing the cosmic energies of this remarkable time, we will uncover your unique contributions to the world and illuminate the reasons you are here right now.

What Awaits You in These Sessions:

  • Identify Your Areas of Change: What aspects of your life are calling for transformation? Let's delve into the themes that demand your attention.

  • Astrological Influence: We'll analyze the astrological transits from now until 2026, understanding their specific impacts on your life journey.

  • Intuitive Guidance: Engage with oracle and tarot cards, alongside elements from the Transformation Game from Findhorn, to gain deeper clarity and direction.

  • Therapeutic Insights: Receive supportive guidance and strategies to ease your transition and nourish your growth.

  • Spiritual Foundations: Ground yourself in spiritual wisdom that resonates with this moment in time, empowering you to navigate the changes ahead.

PLACE : Online on Zoom 

DURATION & PRICE : 2x 90 min - 290€